We extends our commitment to sustainable practices and policies to our stakeholders directly and indirectly involved in all procurement. To achieve our goals and ensure ethical conduct, it is empirical that our suppliers share our values and vision and raise the sustainability standards in our supply chain. We acknowledge that long-term sustainable development of our suppliers is critical to our joint success, and we value our relationship with suppliers who share the same approach and vision towards doing business. In line with our commitment, we have developed a Sustainable Procurement Policy, which is an extension of our values and is applicable to all our suppliers. We expect our suppliers to operate in accordance with the principles as outlined in this Policy and adhere to all applicable laws and regulations. This Policy outlines our expectations with regards to ethics, business integrity, human rights, health and safety, the environment, the local community, and quality of product and operations. We will periodically review the policy to ensure that it continues to help us move towards our vision. We encourage our suppliers to review this information and ensure that the principles and practices outlined in the Policy.

Responsibilities and Governance
This policy will be upheld by German Gulf Enterprises LTD in the following way:
- Ultimate responsibility for the implementation of this policy lies with the Chief Executive officer. Each staff member of German Gulf Enterprises LTD with procurement responsibilities is responsible for following this policy when procuring products or services.
- This Policy will be referred to in order documentation and supplier’s contractual arrangements.

Sustainable Procurement Considerations
- Social: Evaluating Human Rights, Fire Trade, Fair Pay, and Labour Law Protections when procuring from suppliers.
- Environmental: Ensuring 3rd Party partners focus on C02 reduction, Alternative Energy Selection, Protection of Eco-Systems, Pollution Reduction, and waste management.
- Economy: Making Purchasing decisions intends to boost Economic Regeneration.

Quality, Environment, Health & Safety Policy
Supplier to adopt robust and relevant manage-ment practices to comply with applicable Quality, Environment, Health & Safety standards, laws, rules, regulations, and industry standards. The suppliers are also encouraged to conduct training and awareness activities for employees n health and safety. We also suggest suppliers to take reasonable actions to prevent accident and injuries by analysing and minimising risk exposure.

Objectives of this Policy
- Reduce the negative environmental impact from products & services.
- Deliver projects with an enhanced selection and utilization of products and services.
- Upskill the supply chain by encouraging suppliers to adopt practices that minimize negative impacts on the environment.
- Manage and reduce carbon and other emissions associated with the procurement and supply of products and services.
- Procure goods and services locally, reducing transporta tion impacts, and improving local economies. 6-Procure goods that contain recycled content, reducing carbon emissions, and diverting waste from landfill. 7-Procure durable and energy-efficient products and reduce waste.
- Procure products and services that are sustainably sourced and are not harmful to the environment or human health.
- Increase the percentage of items procured with eco-labels.
- Meet Sustainable Development Goals.
- Include sustainable criteria when evaluating offers

Human Rights
supplier should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and make ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

Supply Chain Advocacy
We will advocate for sustainable and ethical procurement amongst our supply chain and partners through:
- Our Supplier and Subcontractor appointment and management activities.
- Our Supply Chain Development initiatives.

Supplier code of conduct/Ethics
The supplier should operate and commit to being an environmental and sustainability leader and demonstrating this through its actions, including conducting its business in full compliance with the spirit of all applicable environmental and sustainability laws, regulations, and requirements and operating in an environmentally sensitive manner consistent with its values.

We will ensure the necessary and appropriate level of awareness and adherence to this policy by our staff and those who work on our behalf through:
- Embedding sustainable procurement within our operating procedures.
- Our Training, Development and CPD Seminars program.
Date : 01-11- 2022